Monday, October 12, 2015

"Even though there is no prohibition in mentioning the name of an idol casually, it is nevertheless unfitting that a person should make it his habit to mention such a name" from today's reading in The Divine Code page 252.
This requires some vigilance when referring to the central figure of the popular western religion. While the belief in a trinity, a concept that nobody including the pope can explain in any clear manner, is more partnership than idolatry, the worship of such a partner would still be idolatry. Fortunately for the adherents of the various world religions, there is a stupidity clause in the Torah prohibition of idolatry.
For those enlightened ones, Noahides, we are to follow the stricter rules given to the Jews regarding idolatry. We are to separate ourselves from the popular religion by not saying the name they use to worship. Many say jesu as that is a diminished form of his name. It might be politer to refer to him as the nazarene but that is extra syllables so I normally say jesu.

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