Saturday, October 10, 2009

7 Ushpizin with 7 Laws

This meditation follows the theory that the seven Noahide laws are expressions of the seven emotional attributes of God. I have no idea if the laws are in the best order. According to the meditations following the counting of the Omar the exact order should not be critical.
7 Ushpizin with 7 Laws

1st Day: prohibition of idolatry
Sukkot Aleph; Chessed -- the attribute of "Benevolence". Abraham taught the nations that there is one true God. We are to thank Him alone for His bevevolence.

2nd Day: prohibition of blasphemy
Sukkot Beit; Gevurah-- the attribute of "Discipline". Isaac followed a life of disiplined prayer. He always spoke positive words to God and man. His blessing was more esteemed than a birthright.

3rd Day: prohibition of homicide
Sukkot Gimmel; The attribute of "Harmony". Jacob was confident in the Truth of his walk. He had no concern for conflict with those around him. He fought heaven than to kill a man.

4th Day: prohibition of forbidden sexual activities.
Sukkot Daled; Netzach-- the attribute of "Victory" and "Endurance". Moses spent a generation teaching the bride to be a spouse. There is never a reason for her to look to another.

5th Day: prohibition of theft
Sukkot Hey; Hod-- The attribute of "Splendor" and "Humility". Aaron used his wealth for the service of God. All that he owned came from the hand of heaven. His possecians revieled their inner divinity when he used them in the right way.

6th Day: Setting up of courts
Sukkot Vav; Yesod--"Foundation" and "Connection". Joeseph established an earthly goverment following the ways of Heaven. We should all seek to do the same in our daily life and walk. This is necessary and foundational to the world we yearn for.

7th Day: prohibition of eating the limb of a living creature
Sukkot Zayin; Malchut--"Sovereignty," "Receptiveness" and "Leadership" David marviled that man had recieved dominion over all of God's creation. We are to tend the Garden and thus see His Kingdom revieled on earth.

8th Day:
Sukkot Chet; Adonai echad--Beyond. Gazing through the roof into the sky. The world looses it's identity. There is only Adonai. Everything is part of the echad.

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