Thursday, October 15, 2009

Forbidden Fruit

The struggles common to the human experience have been around for a long time.

Parshah Bereishit; "And God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Man and woman were spilt apart from one whole. A man feels compelled to find his completion with woman.

They were to be wed later that week. His love for the woman was as nothing else he knew. The young groom had only one instruction to follow and it was tearing him up inside. As the time wore on, he was distressed to the point of making himself sick with desire for her. Something began to awake inside him. Something that could not have been brought out any other way.

The man allowed his feelings to take control. He asked his betrothed, "Did your father indeed say, 'You shall not interact with me?'" And the woman replied, "We may interact in many ways. But physically, my father said, 'You shall not partake of it, lest your love suffer.'" He whispered to the woman, "I will always love you."

Things were not the same between them after that time. They saw themselves and each other with different eyes. The grand wedding had to be postponed to a yet future date. Life is rough at times, but with God's help they will persevere . Together they long for the day all will be righted.

note; The Bible is not meant to be read as a liner text. There is the literal reading that allows us to see the primary purpose of the text. There are also a multitude of other readings. As the facets of a gemstone. Each of these other readings allows us to apply the Bible to every part of our existence. In every verse there is a universe to explore. There is no end.

This reading follows the idea that the snake was Adam's passionate inclination. Freudian imagery would be correct here.

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