Monday, October 19, 2009

Some order in Noah

The Seven Noahide Laws seem to fit in three general catagories.
  • The first is regarding G-d. To have proper understanding of the Divine.
  1. Prohibition of idolatry. To claim creation is g-d.
  2. Prohibition of blasphemy. To claim he is creation.
  • The second is regarding self. Being settled in your own creation. These relate to taking of another's body, soul and spirit. I am not sure of the order.
  1. Prohibition of stealing.
  2. Prohibition of murder.
  3. Prohibition of adultery.
  • The third is regarding world. Our interaction with the rest of creation.
  1. Requirement to establish courts. Regulating human activity.
  2. Prohibition of eating the limb of a living animal. Regulating creatures.

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