Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Randon Thoughts on the Bridal Paradigm

Some thoughts on a book I am reading;

Creation is to have a defining finish. The energy of creation, although stepped down at this point, still hit the end with a bit of force. The momentum wanted to keep going.

Snake = momentum/power? Was to loop back to sourse creating the desired dynamic effect.
Adam and Eve = upper and lower parts of that dynamic.

Adam was told to not eat of fruit until evening.
Eve was told not to touch the fruit. The Noahide prohibition against eating the limb of a living animal also applies to grafting trees. The Noahide instructions for sacrifice includes a prohibition against planting a tree by the alter.

The snake wanted to keep creation going foreword.

The snake convinces Eve to pluck the fruit. Had the fruit been eaten while it was still on the tree it would have completed the loop and brought the dynamic of life. Eating a severed fruit seperated Eve from the loop. Adam joining her in the exile also eat the fruit thus shattering the tablets containing the Ten Sefiot.

Eve became humanity? Adam became the became something in the 'upper' realm? The snake became human's religion?

Adam and Eve long to be united. A new shaliah is created. Adam begins to reconnect the worlds through the Jewish people.

The husk of the snake wishes to pull Eve away from her love. The old snake will do everything it can to destroy the Jew.

It is curious that the Noahide has six negative commandments. These six walls comprise a cube. The seventh commandment appears at first to be positive but is more of the capstone of the other six. I am in a seven sided cube. The eighth wall opens to something...of another dimension.

Eve has no positive commandments. Her task at this point is to achieve refinement. To become the radiant bride she is destined to be. She must learn proper moral behavior through the seven laws. She should also practice in the areas of charity, sacrifice and prayer.

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