Friday, December 11, 2009

Parshah Vayeishev - Genesis 37:1-40:23

The name of this week's reading is "And dwelt". In the opening verse we learn that Jacob dwelt in the land his father's sojourning.
With this I have two questions; Where was the land of Issac's sojourn? What is meant by dwelling?

Just about every story in the section seems about someone's life turning inside out.
Most of the sons are upset because Joesph threatens their pastoral way of life
Joseph is sold into slavery.
Reuben losses his chance to make amends with his father.
Jacob is unable to reach closure for his the loss of this son.
Judah losses two sons.
Tamar goes to extraordinary means to give birth to an important child.
Potiphar's wife mistakenly thinks she must do the same.
Joseph chooses righteousness and gets tossed in jail for it.
The chief butler repays Joseph by forgetting about him.
The chief baker gets the short end of the rope.

Each story seems to be connected to destiny. Something that is there but not yet. The dwelling is more as a baby in the womb. Everything will come together in the end. This weeks stories are the falling. From the title we know it is falling into place.

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